Avocado & Spinach Smoothie

Avocado & Spinach Smoothie

By Theo Michaels for SmarterNaturally

“Easy, delicious, tasty. And green. Very green!” – Theo

🥦 Provides part of your weekly dose of glucoraphanin
💪 Low in sugar & high in protein


Serves 1

  • 10g of SmarterNaturally BrocAffex powder
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50g spinach
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 250ml milk
  • 1 tbsp sunflower seeds

Missing the key ingredient?


Add all the ingredients to a blender except the sunflower seeds. Blend until smooth, pour into glass and top with sunflower seeds. 



Remember: our super-broccoli is a bit sensitive!

All our recipes are carefully designed to protect the bioactivity of our products - so to make
sure you get the best from our broccoli, follow the steps to avoid heating it up too much.

Discover more recipes to get the best from our super-broccoli​

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