It's broccoli.
But even better.
Meet GRextra - our super-broccoli
All the goodness of broccoli, but with ~5x as many health-boosting bioactive molecules.
Here to help you to a healthier future.

Created by nature.
Perfected by us.
GRextra is a unique, non-GM variety of broccoli that naturally delivers a greater health boost.
40 years ago, we discovered a new type of broccoli growing wild on a Sicillian hillside. It was inedible, but brimming with natural health-boosting compounds – far more than you’d find in a traditional supermarket broccoli.
After decades of work in greenhouses, labs and hospitals, we’ve turned it into GRextra: an all-natural biofortified super-broccoli designed to support the nation’s health.
(our little secret...)
Broccoli naturally delivers a range of bioactive compounds – but the most important of the lot is sulforaphane.
Once inside our cells, this health-boosting molecule activates key genes in our cells which produce natural antioxidants, fight inflammation and help to repair our metabolism.
So broccoli is good – but our super-broccoli is better. It delivers up to 5x more sulforaphane than normal, plus a raft of other bioactive compounds, vitamins, minerals and fibre.
We’re unlocking the benefits of broccoli like never before.
5x better than broccoli
Delivers ~5x as much sulforaphane as a standard broccoli
Each portion of our super-broccoli delivers as much sulforaphane as eating around 1kg of raw broccoli – and with no shopping, chopping or cooking required!
10x more powerful than pills
Delivers ~10x as much sulforaphane as a supplement tablet
Each portion of our super-broccoli delivers as much sulforaphane as approx. 10 tablets of a leading sulforaphane supplement – plus vitamins, minerals and fibre as a bonus!
Backed by research
World-leading partners
GRextra was developed and tested in collaboration with the Quadram Institute (a world-leading food health research centre), NHS hospitals and other key partners.
Independent studies
More than 8,000 research studies have explored the health benefits of the active ingredients in our unique strain of super-broccoli – plus we’ve done several clinical trials of our own.
Citizen science
We’re working with early adopters to understand and track the real-world impact our super-broccoli is having on the lives of people with conditions like diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
Developed by scientists
We're no new kid on the block.
Our team of scientists have been working on our super-broccoli for almost 40 years now.
They’re powered by the promise that their work could transform the lives of millions.
It’s already started – but we dream of a world where people can live better for longer, and no-one has to grow old before their time.
Prof. Richard Mithen
Lead Scientist &
Professor of Human Nutrition
Steve Morrison
Medical Biochemist &
Head of Regulatory Affairs