Meet Ginger...

"It's Like Magic!"

Ginger is 62 and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 20 years ago. She tried taking a new tablet, and while new drug did work to bring down her blood sugar levels, the side effects were so bad that she was forced to come off them.

As a big fan of vegetables, when she came across SmarterNaturally SuperSoup she just knew she had to give it a try. She wasn’t convinced it would work – but almost immediately she realised that eating her weekly bowl of super-broccoli soup was working wonders for her blood sugar!

Here’s her story…

Struggling with medication​

“I have been diabetic for around 20 years now. but I’ve always struggled with taking medication. For a long time I managed my blood sugars through eating a careful diet, though my GP has tried giving me one of the new diabetes pills. It did work in terms of controlling my blood sugar, but the side effects were so bad that I was forced to come off it quite quickly.

I’m now on metformin, but I’m not into taking more than I need to pills-wise. Plus I love vegetables and eat a mostly vegetable-based diet – so as soon as I read about SmarterNaturally’s super-broccoli soup in the Times, I knew I had to try it!”

From skeptical to magical

“To be honest, I didn’t really think it would work. I mean, it’s just a sachet of soup, and you only eat one a week. Really? How on earth is that going to work? But it did!

Since I’ve been diabetic for so long, I keep quite a close eye on my blood sugar levels. My fasting blood sugar is usually around 8-9 mmol/l first thing in the morning – but the morning after eating the soup, it’s always down below 7 mmol/l – 6.9, 6.8, that kind of thing. I haven’t seen a 6 on that test for god knows how long!

My blood sugars are also down a point in the evenings from where they usually are. After 20 yearsI can usually tell where I should be based on whether I’ve been good or bad that day with my diet – but now most days I get it wrong, and it’s better than I was expecting! It’s often 5-6 mmol/l, rather than 6-7 mmol/l!”

A Game Changer?

“I find my blood sugars do creep back up over the course of the week, so I then tried eating a bowl of soup twice a week instead of once a week. That seems to help keep it down below 6 all the time. I was kind of aware of the magical powers of brassicas, but this has been more effective than I was expecting!

This is exciting really! It’s so nice to find a natural solution that isn’t a drug or a pill – instead of swallowing tablets, I get to eat something that’s nutritious and healthy. Plus it’s very simple and doable – gosh, if this could be on the NHS it would be a game-changer!”

Sticking with SmarterNaturally

“In my case, I’m pretty confident that it does seem to be working for me. It definitely hasn’t been anything else, food or exercise or anything, it’s the soup as that’s the only thing I’m doing differently from before! I’m happy and excited to have found it – It’s a healthy thing for sure, and it seems to be helping with something I’ve struggled with for years.

It’s a step in your regime – think of it as an asset you can use to help you get your blood sugar down to where you’d like it to be. It can feel like a chunky expense, but if it works then it’s worth every penny. I’m very happy and excited by it!”

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Ginger has found a healthier future with us. Could you?

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